Welcome to Mighty Micro courses, the place where time poor but skill hungry people come to get their fix.
Keen to learn some new skills but don’t have the time or even the energy?
Worry no more as we have created micro courses that deliver mega results.
that shows you easy ways to make things happen
to instantly make you rethink your old ways and make room for new
so as you can continue to grow in your selected area
All you need to do is watch a short 10-minute video every morning for five days, complete a few exercises and dive into some of the recommended reading.
Taaadaaaa……immediately see a shift in your understanding and ways of working.
Building self-belief at work for career progression
Discover sustainable career confidence so as you become equipped to accept a promotion, apply for that role, lead with confidence or simply participate and enjoy your daily work life more.
Banish those confidence killers and see work-life in a whole new way.